Today's DJ features David Kupetz's bankruptcy-appellate article Are Stay Relief Denials Automatically Appealable? about SCOTUS's grant of cert in Ritzen Group v. Jackson Masonry.
And today's DJ profile (From the Neighborhood) is of LASC Judge Michael Amerian who's hearing family law cases in Van Nuys, "wearing the same set of robes his father wore." He's the son of "the late 2nd District Court of Appeal Justice Richard Amerian" (2/4 1982 to 1984).
Register now for ABTL-LA's Judicial Reception, honoring the judges of the 9th Circuit, 2d District, and other state and federal robe-wearers on June 11 at the Biltmore.
Fourth District Seeking Attorneys to Represent Inmates in DeathPenalty-Related Habeas Corpus Proceedings:
The regional habeas corpus panel committee for the Fourth District Court of Appeal
is seeking qualified lawyers to represent indigent persons who have been sentenced
to death in their habeas corpus proceedings in the superior courts. Attorneys with their principal place of business in the Fourth District should send
their completed application and application materials to