Thursday, March 28, 2019

Judicial Application Process begins

Governor Gavin Newsom Announces Launch of Judicial Appointment Application Process

Work to fill vacancies on trial and appellate courts can now begin 

The Newsom Administration, today, opened the application process for judicial vacancies on California’s trial and appellate courts.

Governor Newsom, acknowledging the importance of a diverse judiciary, said, “It’s essential that California’s judiciary reflects the people it serves. That’s why our guiding principle is nothing short of full inclusion and access to justice. And our goal is to create a bench as diverse and rich in experience as the people of California.”

Governor Newsom welcomes applications from all qualified members of the bar, including communities currently underrepresented on the bench, including women, people of color, and LGBTQ Californians.

Any applicant seeking a judicial appointment from Governor Newsom must complete and submit an application. The link to the application can be found below.

All applicants are required to submit an application for appointment in electronic form. Applicants must also scan and email a photograph, written materials and an authorization and release form to the following email address: Applicants who fail to comply with these instructions will not be considered for appointment. 

To apply, please visit our Judicial Appointment Applications page.