Friday, June 8, 2018

APJ Hill joins Judicial Council

Chief Justice Appoints New Members to Judicial Council

The Chief has appointed three new voting members and four new advisory (nonvoting) members to the Judicial Council. She also reappointed two voting members and one advisory member. Of appellate note:

Administrative Presiding Justice Brad R. Hill, Court of Appeal, Fifth Appellate District, will serve in a voting position through September 14, 2021, succeeding Justice James M. Humes. Justice Hill previously served on the Judicial Council from 2000 to 2003 and from 2007 to 2010. He chairs the Judicial Council’s Court Facilities Advisory Committee and is a member of the council’s Trial Court Facility Modification Advisory Committee.

Judicial Council Membership
According to the state Constitution, the Chief Justice chairs the Judicial Council and appoints one other Supreme Court justice, three justices from the courts of appeal, 10 trial court judges, two nonvoting court administrators, “and any other nonvoting members as determined by the voting membership of the council.” The State Bar’s governing body appoints four members, and the state Senate and Assembly each appoint one member. Council members are volunteers and do not receive additional compensation for their service. Most members serve three-year terms, and each year about a third of the membership rotates off and a new group is sworn in.

Division Seven of the California Court of Appeal, Second Appellate District, is accepting applications for an appellate court attorney position. The attorney’s duties will include reviewing appellate briefs and trial records, researching and analyzing legal issues, drafting memoranda and proposed opinions, making recommendations regarding the resolution of issues before the court, and other tasks as assigned by the justice. Excellent analytical, writing, and research skills are mandatory. Familiarity with appellate practice and/or prior judicial clerkship experience is preferred. Details here.