[See in the MetNews School District Must Pay $32,000 for Frivolous Appeal]
Also of note from yesterday, Retired Justice Mallano wins again on judicial salaries, here. [See in the MetNews C.A. Affirms Order to State for Back Payments to Judges: In Mallano v. Chiang II, Court Rejects Argument That Judge Berle Lacked the Power To Require Disbursements Where Complaint Only Sought Declaratory Relief. "Class members are identified in a footnote as:
“(1) all California state judges of the Superior Court or justices of the Supreme Court or Court of Appeal who were active since the commencement of fiscal year 2008-2009; (2) all persons who are receiving or since the commencement of fiscal year 2008-2009, have received benefits from JRS; and (3) all persons who are receiving, or have received benefits from JRS II based on a final compensation that includes salary paid at any time since the commencement of 2008-2009.”"]
Also of note from yesterday, Retired Justice Mallano wins again on judicial salaries, here. [See in the MetNews C.A. Affirms Order to State for Back Payments to Judges: In Mallano v. Chiang II, Court Rejects Argument That Judge Berle Lacked the Power To Require Disbursements Where Complaint Only Sought Declaratory Relief. "Class members are identified in a footnote as:
“(1) all California state judges of the Superior Court or justices of the Supreme Court or Court of Appeal who were active since the commencement of fiscal year 2008-2009; (2) all persons who are receiving or since the commencement of fiscal year 2008-2009, have received benefits from JRS; and (3) all persons who are receiving, or have received benefits from JRS II based on a final compensation that includes salary paid at any time since the commencement of 2008-2009.”"]