Today's Recorder offers Bedsworth: Augustynolophus Morrisi: "Government Code Section 425.7 (a) designates Augustynolophus morrisi as the official California state dinosaur. Yep. That’s what it says. Official California state dinosaur." Beds takes a delightful romp through the Government Code to point out a number of our State's stuff: "This whole Official California State Whatchamacallit thing is older than Augie—or at least Augie’s discovery. The Government Code is chockablock with goofy officialdom, legislated over decades." But his more serious point is that "the Legislature doesn’t seem to appreciate the fact that adding meaningless laws not only adds clutter to our already cluttered statutory edifice, but reduces the time available to add the meaningful laws."
Can you see the dogface on each wing? |
You wanna know why you have 53 linear feet of annotated codes in your office? You wanna know why it takes a forklift and two union members to pick up the Government Code? Because it’s full of stuff like, “The California Dogface Butterfly (Zerene eurydice) is the official state insect,” (Gov. Code Section 424.5) that’s why.