We all know that SCOTUS begins its term each year on the First Monday in October.
But Supreme Court Fellows begin their fellowships in September.
Who are the jolly good (and lucky!) fellows this year? See Term Begins For New Supreme Court Fellows
The Supreme Court Fellows Program, established by the late Chief Justice Warren E. Burger in 1973, provides individuals with the opportunity to gain a greater understanding of the federal Judiciary by working alongside top officials in the judicial branch on various projects examining the judicial process.On the research front, see: ABA Legal Fact Check website launched to help public sort fact from fiction and Free PACER archive adds millions of new documents:
In the words of Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., the program offers “a unique opportunity for exceptional individuals to contribute to the administration of justice at the national level.”
A free archive of federal court documents just got a whole lot bigger.And see California Supreme Court Helps to Shed Light on Legal System
The Free Law Project, a California-based non-profit, posted every free written opinion and order available on PACER, the federal courts’ document portal. In total, this new collection contains 3.4 million documents from 1.5 million federal district and bankruptcy cases dating back to 1960, the Project explained in a blog post published Tuesday on the organization’s website.
"Webcasts of court’s oral arguments accessed more than 44,000 times"
"Next Step: Expansion to the Courts of Appeal
Taking their cue from the state’s Supreme Court, the six districts that make up the Court of Appeal in California are considering how best to stream their proceedings as well."