The MetNews reports that retired Justice Richard Schauer (PJ of 2/7 1982-1984) died yesterday at age 87. (Retired Presiding Justice Schauer Dies: Headed Div. Seven of the Court of Appeal in Los Angeles, Was Superior Court Presiding Judge.) The article quotes 2/4 PJ Epstein as saying he was "a superb trial and appellate judge" and "one of the finest and most distinguished persons I have known." Justice Schauer was the son of Justice B. Rey Schauer of the 2d District and Cal Supreme Court.
[5/15 update: Today's DJ has an obit Richard Schauer, 1929-2017, which include a quote from former Justice Robert Feinerman, "a longtime friend" of Schauer, that Schauer "was a very courageous guy." PJ Gilbert recalled that Schauer was "serious about his job, but not without a sense of humor." Justice Lui said "He was a wonderful colleague and a wonderful person."]