ATL offers Some Possible Names for the Ninth Circuit presents As Trump Rails at Ninth Circuit, White House Eyes Vacancies.
The NLJ presents: Take a 'Journey' Through the Justices' Bookshelves -- Yale Law School's Linda Greenhouse surveys, for one term, the books the justices cited.
Oral Argument in Federal Court Becoming a Lost Art reports "Oral argument in federal court is going the way of flip-phones and MySpace, according to a report by P.J. D’Annunzio. Over the past 10 years, the percentage of cases decided after a federal circuit court heard arguments from real, live lawyers—as opposed to just on the briefs—has dropped significantly, from 25.9% to just 17.5%."
Adam Liptak with The New York Times reports, "In an early sign of JUSTICE NEIL M. GORSUCH'S independence and work ethic, he has decided not to join a labor pool at the Supreme Court in which justices share their law clerks in an effort to streamline decisions about which cases to hear."
The Beverly Hills Bar Assn presents its AnnualConstitutional Law Luncheon with Dean Erwin Chemerinsky, Thursday, July 27, 2017 - 12-1:30 pm, titled: The Supreme Court's Current Term and Implications for the Future.
Oral Argument in Federal Court Becoming a Lost Art reports "Oral argument in federal court is going the way of flip-phones and MySpace, according to a report by P.J. D’Annunzio. Over the past 10 years, the percentage of cases decided after a federal circuit court heard arguments from real, live lawyers—as opposed to just on the briefs—has dropped significantly, from 25.9% to just 17.5%."
Adam Liptak with The New York Times reports, "In an early sign of JUSTICE NEIL M. GORSUCH'S independence and work ethic, he has decided not to join a labor pool at the Supreme Court in which justices share their law clerks in an effort to streamline decisions about which cases to hear."
The Beverly Hills Bar Assn presents its AnnualConstitutional Law Luncheon with Dean Erwin Chemerinsky, Thursday, July 27, 2017 - 12-1:30 pm, titled: The Supreme Court's Current Term and Implications for the Future.
Jury Service Close-Up Highlights Appreciation Week
first week of May is Juror Appreciation Week. In observance of that event, two
educational videos about federal jury service are available.
Not that SCAN pays much attention to 'hit counts' and 'audience trackers,' but there was an odd statistic for last month: over 14K hits from ... Ireland!? Sure, we expect the usual Ukrainian and North Korean hackers -- that's just part of blogging. But has there been a sudden upsurge of interest in SoCal appellate news on the Emerald Isle? Probably not. But the sad news of Judge Noonan's passing obviously resonated strongly there, not to mention that Ireland's High Court has a Justice Seamus Noonan...