Today marks four years since SCAN's founder, now the Honorable Nathan Scott of OCSC, relinquished posting privileges for this blog. Over the past four years readership has steadily and markedly (indeed, remarkably!) increased. So if you're reading this, take heart that you are not alone. There really is an audience for Southern California Appellate News. With well over
150 million blogs to choose from, you've taken some time to read this one -- so thanks!
Copying a famous oral argument technique from John Roberts (the appellate advocate, before he became CJ), let's ask ourselves a question and then answer it: You might be wondering which posts send the hit counter through the roof. Well, posts about major transitions (e.g., appointments and deaths) are extremely popular. Also, judicial profiles of justices who happen to be on election ballots also score high, as do pro tem updates. And early posts (by Nate Scott) speculating about who might fill Cal Supreme Court vacancies remain all-time classics (e.g., possibly the first public expression that 3d DCA Justice Cantil-Sakauye might be a good pick for Chief...). And, of course, posts that have been linked from other popular blawgs, especially
How Appealing, send the numbers reeling.
"Four years already??"
Ferris B., master of cracking the fourth wall. |
A final -- very important -- note, since we're breaking the fourth wall in this post: Please always remember that this blog exists to spread news of interest to the SoCal appellate community. If you have something worth sharing (news, commentary, a link, random ideas to contribute -- with or without attribution) please pass along the good word or write it up and send it along for posting. SCAN is not about one person, one law firm, one court, or one type of appellate practice. SCAN hopes to cover what matters to those who work in, and care about, the Southern California appellate world. Your participation makes this blog immeasurably better! Thanks.