Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Justice Liu studies Asian-Americans in the law

The AP reports: Few Asian-Americans hold top legal jobs, new study says, referencing a study by Justice Liu. (Once a professor, always a professor?)

When Goodwin Liu joined the seven-member California Supreme Court in 2011, he became its fourth sitting member of Asian descent. The number is remarkable.
The other state supreme courts in the U.S. combined have a handful of Asian-American justices. And Asian-American representation on other state courts, the federal bench and among the country's top prosecutors is similarly scant.
Liu said the Asian-American representation on the California high court does not carry through to lower courts in the state. As of 2015, only two of 97 appellate court judges were Asian-American. The California Supreme Court now has three Asian-American justices after one of those of Asian descent retired in 2014.
— Three of the 94 U.S. attorneys and four of the country's nearly 2,500 elected state prosecutors were Asian-American. 
— There were 26 active Asian-American judges among more than 850 federal judicial positions. Two percent of almost 10,300 state trial and appellate court judges who were surveyed were Asian-American. 
— Asian-Americans were the largest minority group at major law firms but had the highest attrition rates and lowest ratio of partners to associates among all racial groups.