Dreaded words: "Winter is coming." Oh, and also, the MCLE deadline (for Group 3, at least, i.e., last names N-Z) is coming too (March 1, 2017). One place to pick up MCLE is InReach offered by the State Bar, which includes 25 Appellate Law programs here. Many of these are recordings from past Annual Meetings. So check out what you've missed over the years. This is especially nice to know about, give that there will NOT be an Annual Meeting in 2017 (at least not one of the sort where MCLE will be offered). So don't plan to pick up all your appellate specialization credits at the "2017 Annual Meeting."
Speaking of appellate MCLE, see here, for today's lesson finding a decision of the State Personnel Board after remand from superior court is not an appealable order or judgment.