Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Start planning your December now [Check back here for updates]

In December, calendaring goes crazy, right? Too many parties and events (even for intrinsically introverted appellate-types! Gift idea-- Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking). So start planning now...

Dec. 1, ASCDC presents its 2016 Construction Defect Seminar and Holiday Reception (at the Hilton in Costa Mesa). Hey! We saw that yawn! But the keynote speaker will be 4/3's Justice Beds, who will undoubtedly construct some laughs by shining a light on some defects in the human condition. Register here.

Dec. 1, OCBA's Appellate Law Section presents its 2016 Year in Review, a special Holiday Luncheon program at which 4/3 Sr. Appellate Attorney Matthew Ross will review significant civil and family law cases from 2016 at the Bowers Museum.

Wings poster.jpgDec. 5, KFF (at this point we needn't 'define' or explain KFF, right?) will be showing the first (1927) Best Picture winner Wings (with the original 'It Girl' and a baby Gary Cooper) [usual place: the Chambers Courthouse in Pasadena, of course]. Yeah, it's a silent film; but KFF has arranged for accompanists to improvise a live score, just like back in the good old (silent) days. And the director's son will be there to discuss his father's work, share anecdotes, etc. And there will be film archivists to talk about recovering and restoring Wings. If you're an Angeleno and have any interest in 'the industry,' or want to experience a true piece of cinematic history, how can you miss this? RSVP here:

Dec. 6, Italian American Lawyers Association Supreme Court Night. Details here.

Dec. 6, A Conversation with Justice Leondra Kruger at the LA Law Library.

Dec. 8, the State Bar will hold its annual public hearing on ethics and competence at its LA office (1149 Hill St., 7th Floor) at 10:00 a.m. The MetNews reports that "Members of the public and the legal profession are invited to attend and will have an opportunity to address a panel of State Bar representatives regarding the attorney discipline process, the admissions process and other issues concerning attorney competence." This may not be as entertaining as Beds or Wings...

Dec. 9, the SDBA Appellate Practice Section presents its Holiday Luncheon, featuring a special conversation with PJ's Manuel Ramirez and Kathleen O'Leary. Details here.

Dec. 11, Writers Bloc program in Beverly Hills: Jewish Mothers, Schlemiels and Schmucks, an Afternoon on Jewish Humor with author Michael Krasny and comedian Bobby Slayton. Details here. (No MCLE for this one, but it's likely to help improve one's writing and guaranteed to entertain!)

Dec. 13, ASCDC has its Hot Topics Seminar, followed by its annual Judges Night event at the Jonathan Town Club in downtown LA.

Dec. 14, LACBA's Appellate Courts Section will have its annual holiday party at a/k/a Bistro in Pasadena.

Obviously this list is woefully incomplete, so if you have an event of note to add, just let SCAN know and we'll post it!