Today's lead story in the DJ is Chief Justice Worries What Might Be Lost In Effort to Split State Bar, in which the DJ's Editor David Houston interviews the Chief about "the bar's current problems" and "also reflected on lessons she learned in 5 1/2 years as chief."
In Unanimously Wrong, Dean Chemerinsky explains why the "Supreme Court's decision in McDonnell v. United States will make it much harder for the government to prosecute and convict those who misuse their official power for their personal gain."
John Hueston presents The Art of the Opening Statement. David Balabanian presents Trust Me, about gaining and securing the trust of clients.
Myron Moskovitz offers Excellence is Making The Most of What You Have to Work With, about how "No matter how well written it is, an appellate brief isn't 'great' unless it makes great use of the record." When reviewing a record, look for the facts you need for the story, procedural facts you need for the litigation history, look for facts that make your side look good and the other side look bad, look for facts that make the trial judge look good or bad (depending on which side you're on), and, finally, look for "gems": Snippets from the record to quote verbatim.