Thursday, August 25, 2016

Watford for SCOTUS?

Image result for watford
If their logo is a Moose,
why are they called the Hornets?
SCOUTS Short-Lister Watford Praised by Both Sides is a Bloomberg BNA article today about how "Judge Paul J. Watford, only the second black judge at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, might get another chance at being nominated to the U.S. Supreme Court." The article asks is he "In Tune With SCOTUS?" and notes that "Two recent Supreme Court decisions — written by Justices Clarence Thomas and Sonia Sotomayor, commonly considered ideological opposites — agreed with opinions by Watford."
Judge Paul J. Watford.jpgWould SCAN like to see a SoCal SCOTUS Justice? What a silly question. (See Golden Opportunity: A Fifth California Justice (2016) 29:1 Cal. Litigation 3.)

See also: Four Begin Supreme Court Fellowships (and one is from SoCal, CSULB to be exact -- congrats to Professor Christine S. Scott-Hayward).