Monday, August 25, 2014

Proposal for Mandatory Tentative Opinions

Click here to review proposals from the Conference of California Bar Associations, one of which (Resolution 07-01-2014) seeks to amend CRC 8.256 to require all California Courts of Appeal to either issue tentative opinions or focus letters a week before oral argument to alert the parties to the basis for the court's likely ruling and/or the issues the parties should address at oral argument.
I Want To Believe

Another proposal (Resolution 07-01-2014) would  allow a peremptory challenge after an appellate reversal regardless of whether there will be a "new trial."

Finally, Resolution 07-04-2014 seeks to replaced the Code of Civil Procedure with an Automated Decisional System. "While this Resolution is a joke, the effects of ongoing budget cuts to the third branch of government are not."
I For One Welcome Our New Insect Overlords
A quote from the Resolution:
"All hail our future robot overlords."