Monday, August 19, 2013

Justices on Judicial Council Committees

As if merely deciding appeals were not enough work, a number of appellate justices also work on Judicial Council committees. Check here to see the latest appointments, i.e., Justice Miller continues to chair the Executive & Planning Committee, Justice Hull chairs the Rules & Projects Committee (and also serves on the Litigation Management committee), and Justice Ashmann-Gerst vice-chairs the RuPro committee.

And Justice Baxter is on the Policy Coordination & Liaison Committee
justice doug miller portraitHarry E. Hull, Jr., Associate JusticeJustice Judith Ashmann-Gerst

8/20/13 Update: Today's DJ has an article "Justice Retires as Judicial Council Committee Chair after 17 years," about how Justice Baxter is no longer the chair of the Policy Coordination and Liaison Committee, but will instead serve as an ex officio member. He will remain as vice chair of the Judicial Council too.