Thursday, March 6, 2025

MCLE on appealability

On March 10, 4 to 5 p.m. BHBA presents Glenn Danas's webinar: Is That Appealable? Understanding Appealability in California State Courts & the Ninth Circuit:
The rules governing appealability vary greatly between California and the Ninth Circuit, and a misstep can mean the loss of appellate review. This CLE program provides a detailed examination of these differences, aimed at trial court-level litigators. The program will explore common interlocutory orders—such as class certification rulings and motions to compel arbitration decisions—that often require immediate appeal or else face appellate forfeiture. The program will also address the complex world of writ petitions and will review key procedural and mechanical requirements of appeals under California and Federal law.

And on March 13, the Desert Bar Association hosts the California 4th District Comes to the Desert luncheon (at The Classic Club in Palm Desert):

Please join the Desert Bar Association on Thursday, March 13, 2025 for a luncheon and presentation by Justice Manual A Ramirez and other panel members, who will provide the annual update on California's 4th District Court of Appeals [sic], after holding oral argument at one of our local High Schools in the morning.