Monday, February 24, 2025

RIP Judge Selya

 The NLJ reports on the death of Judge Selya (who has no SoCal as far as we know, but was extremely well-known nationwide): ‘Legacy Will Live On’: 1st Circuit Judge Bruce Selya Dies After Over 40 Years on Bench -- Selya, 90, was named to the Boston-based appeals court by President Ronald Reagan in 1986 after having spent four years as a federal trial judge in Rhode Island.

Over the course of more than 1,000 judicial opinions, Selya became known for his distinctive writing style and vast vocabulary. A National Law Journal piece from 2008 marking his 25th year on the bench laid out a list of “Selyaisms”—arcane words Selya used in his decisions, including “philotheoparoptesism” [the practice of disposing of heretics by burning them or boiling them in oil] and “defenestration” [the throwing of someone out a window].

About two years ago, the City of Providence named a street after him: Providence renames street to honor longtime judge -- A section of Fulton Street is now named “Judge Selya Way” in honor of Bruce Selya, the longest-serving Rhode Islander on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit.

Law360 has 1st Circ. Judge Selya, Admired For 'Selyaisms,' Dies At 90 -- "The judge, who took senior status in 2006, continued hearing cases up until his death. He was praised by colleagues not only for his vast vocabulary but his generous spirit and unflagging warmth and generosity."

AND: 'We Need Go No Further': 10 Notable Judge Bruce Selya Lines