Tuesday, February 18, 2025

FRAP 29 proposal unifies the bar?

Law360 has Almost Everyone Hates The Judiciary's Amicus Rule Revamp

Policymakers for the federal judiciary Friday did what often seems impossible in a polarized nation, uniting powerful advocates for defense counsel, trial lawyers, corporations and consumers on a controversial issue. Unfortunately for the policymakers, those advocates were united by antipathy for major rule changes affecting amicus brief filers.

The rare display of harmony among frequent legal adversaries occurred before a Judicial Conference of the United States panel, which heard nearly three hours of often-forceful testimony regarding new proposals to require court permission and greater financial disclosures for amici in circuit courts. Adamant opposition pervaded 200-plus written comments posted prior to the hearing, and the nearly 20 witnesses who spoke Friday shared further objections with the Advisory Committee on Appellate Rules.