Law360 has 5th Circ. Publishes Reminder Of New En Banc Time Rule
The Fifth Circuit reminded attorneys this week that it is now limiting uninterrupted argument time to five minutes during en banc oral proceedings. Of the 30 minutes each side is typically allotted for argument when the full court hears a case, only the first five will be uninterrupted, according to a notice posted on the court's website . . . Previously, the court allowed for half of the parties' argument time to be uninterrupted, a policy that "was much more generous than what other appellate courts practices permitted," Court Clerk Lyle Cayce told Law360.Today's DJ profile is Judge Armen Tamzarian is a lot more than a 'Simpsons' character. Judge Tamzarian was a senior appellate court attorney in the 2d District Court of Appeal, Div. 3, 2008-2013.