Friday, June 28, 2024

Lady Whistledown on LACBA's Installation & Awards

Dearest Gentle Readers,

Yes, tis I, Lady Whistledown, the notorious gossip pamphleteer from Netflix's Bridgerton series! Who would have expected that I would jump the pond and the centuries to turn from my usual beat pseudonymously covering the parties, affairs, and romances of the Regency Era London Society Ton to materialize in the New World's City of Our Lady Queen of the Angels on the Rio Porciuncula? Why no one, of course! But who could resist last night's *sold out* 2024 LACBA Installation & Awards Dinner at the Bonaventure? No, not I, when given the chance to swap my quill and ink for a cyber-broadsheet--I cannot abide the abominable terms "blog" or "blawg".

Though not a Bridgerton, Featherington, nor member of the British Royal Family was to be found, SoCal appellate royalty reigned supreme in a throng of nearly 600 of the local bench and bar. To name-drop but a few, judicial brothers APJ Elwood Lui and PJ Arthur Gilbert delighted the pre-program crowd, which included appellate luminaries Rex Heinke, David Ettinger (of At the Lectern fame), countless LASC Judges, Justice Gregory Weingart, and retired Justices Candace Cooper, the divine Nora Manella, and Thomas Willhite Jr. Surely you sense the strong Division 4 presence? Naturally, because...

The evening's appellate takeover commenced with 2D4's Presiding Justice Brian Currey gracefully receiving the Outstanding Jurist Award. He spoke of civility, among other topics, and was supported in attendance by his chamber's Research Attorneys and fellow 2D4 Justices Collins and Mori. (Look to the left! A color daguerreotype! What marvels bless your digital age!)

Next, taking the stage by storm emerged the most Honorable retired Supreme Court Justice Carlos Moreno, barely able to grasp the enormous and unwieldy Shattuck-Price Outstanding Lawyer Award trophy. (Whence does LACBA procure such shelf-busters? That may be the true mystery.) He spoke of some strange newfangled ideology which you Americans call 'democracy' and urged its upholding in trying times against insurrectionists.

Then came the centerpiece moment: PJ Lee Edmon swearing in appellate lawyer and CAAL member Sarvanez Bahar as LACBA's new President. Could there be a more appellatey moment? Dare you question whether "appellatey" is a word?! Rest assured it is--squiggly red lines beneath it be damned! And rest assured that LACBA is in sound and capable hands under Naz's leadership.

My nature does not allow me to end without news of the heart and intended alliances, so take heed that past-LACBA President (and appellate lawyer) Brad Pauley was joyously accompanied by his fiancée. We wish the lovely couple only the best and brightest future--filled with meaningful briefs, powerful oral arguments, and scintillating appellate MCLE.

Oh no! Queen Charlotte, ever on my tail, draws near me yet again! I must be off. Adeiu, Gentle Readers. Further your affiant sayeth naught.