Bloomberg Law has Trump-Appointed Judges Lead Trip to Israel ‘Bearing Witness’ -- The four-day trip this month sponsored by the World Jewish Congress included Patrick Bumatay and Lawrence VanDyke of the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, DC Circuit Judge Neomi Rao, and Sixth Circuit Judge Amul Thapar, all Trump appointees. Two others nominated by Barack Obama and George W. Bush also made the trip.
Reuters has Judge approves $125 million PACER fees settlement with US judiciary
The settlement will provide automatic reimbursements of up to $350 in fees for anyone who used PACER from April 2010 to May 2018. Anyone who paid more than $350 during that time can also receive a pro rata share of the remaining settlement funds.
The Recorder has State Bar Settles on $125 Licensing Fee Increase Request -- The bar will also ask the Legislature to approve a new billing model that will charge lawyers annual licensing fees tied to their occupations.
- The fee increase would be paired with the introduction of a model that, going forward, would bill California’s 196,000 active attorneys based on their occupations, not a flat fee. Each occupation would fall into one of 11 practice sectors. Those working in presumably higher-paying sectors would pay higher bills.
- In-house counsel at large corporations would see their annual bills from the state bar jump to $904 a year, for instance. Attorneys at medium-sized law firms would pay $750 in licensing fees and related statutory costs. Solos would pay $504. Fees for inactive lawyers would rise by $31.