The NLJ has Extra Burden or Fewer Late Nights? What Lawyers Think of 3rd Circuit’s New 5 P.M. Filing Deadline -- Some attorneys expect work-life balance benefits while others aren't quite sold on the earlier deadline but are getting used to it.
- The Third Circuit is the only federal appeals that has departed from the 12 a.m. electronic filing deadline. Chief Judge Michael Chagares said the new time is meant to help improve quality of life for lawyers.
- Joel McHugh, the Third Circuit’s deputy circuit executive, said implementation of the new deadline on Jan. 1 went smoothly.
- While most district courts also follow the midnight cut-off, the trial courts in Delaware and Massachusetts have earlier deadlines. And U.S. District Judge Jon Tigar of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California has a 5 p.m. deadline for civil filings in his courtroom.
- A Federal Judicial Center analysis of docket entries [found] most [filings] were made between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Only one in 10 of the docket entries in the courts of appeals and the district courts was made after 5 p.m.