Friday, February 23, 2024

Appellate tidbits

1/5 starts off this unpub with a zippy: "Contrary to popular wisdom, good fences do not always make good neighbors."

Today's DJ has retired PJ Bigelow in Navigating the workplace with compassion when a colleague is grieving

Bloomberg Law has Judge Clerkship Database to Launch With Testimonials -- A database for prospective law clerks to learn more about the judges they’re considering working for is set to launch in March, the nonprofit behind the project said Thursday.

Law360 has Roberts, Thomas Don't Use Marshals For Travel Security

ABA Journal has Court scolds Weil partner for brief found to 'incorporate by reference' nearly 2,000 words from another document -- sanctions not imposed, but "future litigants should appreciate" that future violations will likely result in sanctions.

“Rule 28 of the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure seems clear. Microsoft seems clear. Medtronic seems clear. These cases hold it is improper to exceed the word count through incorporation by reference.”

The Appellate Project is having a free, in-person get-together at The Felix (138 Mason Street) in San Francisco on March 5, 6-8 p.m. Please RSVP to secure your spot.