Monday, January 15, 2024

CJEO job opening

The California Supreme Court Committee on Judicial Ethics Opinions (CJEO) is accepting applications for a full-time Staff Attorney to the Committee on Judicial Ethics Opinions. The committee is seeking applicants with appellate experience. The position is intended to be fully remote. Please feel free to forward to anyone who might be interested.
CJEO provides judicial ethics advisory opinions and advice to judicial officers, candidates for judicial office, and the public. In providing its opinions and advice, the committee acts independently of the Supreme Court, the Commission on Judicial Performance, and all other entities. The committee relies on and interprets the California Code of Judicial Ethics, the decisions of the Supreme Court and of the Commission on Judicial Performance, and other relevant sources in its opinions and advice. If interested, please follow the link below to apply.

Here is a link to the CJEO Website:
Please reach out to CJEO staff with any questions: