Thursday, October 26, 2023

Today's roundup

 Law360 has New Report Champions Term Limits For Supreme Court

Term limits for U.S. Supreme Court justices would reduce the likelihood of extreme ideological imbalances on the court and ensure the bench better reflects the country's state of affairs, according to a report released Wednesday by the American Academy of Arts & Sciences.

A bipartisan group of legal scholars lent credence to calls to do away with lifelong appointments to the nation's highest court, saying in a 32-page report that 18-year terms followed by optional senior status service would limit "problematic strategic behavior" related to the court, including tactical retirements and stalemates during a nominee's confirmation process.

Bloomberg Law has Fifth Circuit’s Ho Calls on Judges to Embrace ‘Harsh Criticism’ has Ex-Supreme Court Clerks Find Big Money Opportunities in Litigation Finance