Tuesday, December 20, 2022

LASC Biennial Report


The Court is pleased to announce the publishing of the 2021 - 2022 Biennial Report, which details the Court’s collective accomplishments over the past two years. Despite the numerous and ongoing challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Court implemented and expedited various programs, technology platforms and services to increase and expand access to justice. Much of this work is memorialized in the Report. Thank you, Sherri R. Carter, Executive Officer/Clerk of Court.
Of particular note, see pages 32 and 40:

Appellate Division In 2021 and 2022, the Central Appeals Unit and Appellate Division focused on ensuring the safety of staff while continuing to serve the public and justice partners during the pandemic using pre-existing and newly developed technology. More than 1,100 people participated remotely in an appellate hearing from January 1, 2021, through July 31, 2022. In 2021, the Court developed and implemented the Appeals Tracking System (ATS). ATS streamlines the appeals process across all litigations. ATS also eliminates dependence on many of the hard-copy conventions previously required of appeals processing. It also expedites the delivery of appeals records for court and public review. ATS was awarded a 2021 National Association of Counties Achievement Award. 

Electronic Court of Appeals Records and Transcripts In August 2022, the Court developed and launched the Electronic Court of Appeals Records and Transcripts (eCART) software to replace the Transcript Assembly Program to prepare transcript and appeals records for the Court of Appeal. ECART is used to automate and streamline the appeals records and transcript process. Using modernization funding awarded by the JCC, the Court developed the new software to gather and transfer appeals records and transcripts for the Court of Appeal. ECART represents a new joint support/operational model, whereby the Court develops new technology and serves as the product owner, and the JCC deploys the product to other trial courts and provides support for the system. Developed and launched on time and under budget, 29 superior courts across California have implemented the software. In total, 22 trial courts have used eCART to submit a total of 186 transcripts to the Court of Appeal. In addition, the new system is assembling 1,115 case transcripts for transmission to the Court of Appeal.  

Of even more appellatey interest, today's DJ has CJP closes complaint against 3rd District justice, ‘no basis for action’ -- “They don’t tell me whether the letter concerns [former justices] Murray or Blease, whether they found no basis for disciplinary action or simply decided not to proceed further, or why it took them two years to decide to do nothing,” retired appellate attorney Jon Eisenberg said by email Monday. “Kafka comes to mind.”