Monday, August 22, 2022

WJC honors Judge DW Nelson

On Sept. 22, the Western Justice Center will throw a rooftop soiree titled "Empower" that will honor Judge Dorothy Nelson. Details here.

WJC was founded in 1987 by a group of judges, lawyers, and civic leaders led by the Honorable Dorothy W. Nelson, senior judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. WJC’s founding members sought innovative ways to handle conflict by using alternative dispute resolution techniques in and beyond the court system. Their aim was for WJC to serve as a thought leader, convener, and capacity builder in the field of conflict resolution education.


Judge Nelson founded WJC to advocate for the expanded use of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) in and beyond the court system. Her expansive vision and the ever-growing community of practitioners of restorative justice and conflict resolution education at schools throughout Southern California and beyond is what drives WJC’s work to this day. For more than 60 years, Judge Nelson has taught generations of judges and lawyers the value of conflict resolution and the rule of law. Inspired by the principles of her Baha’i faith, her judicial opinions advocate for equality and due process for those who are most marginalized in our society.
Judge Nelson is a trailblazer, an inspiration, and a light to all who seek to build a more just and civil society. Prior to joining the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in 1980, she served as the first woman dean of USC Law School. As a scholar and jurist, she has been among the foremost promoters of ADR in the US Courts and internationally.

Learn more about Judge Nelson
READ "The Best Beloved Thing is Justice: The Life of Dorothy Wright Nelson," by Lisa Kloppenberg
WATCH this great episode with Judge Nelson on The Tanya Acker Show.