November 10 – 13, 2022
DoubleTree Resort by Hilton Hotel Paradise Valley
Scottsdale, Arizona
Register here

Register now for the 2022 AJEI Summit, the nation’s premier appellate educational event, to be held this year in Scottsdale, AZ. Typically attended by almost 400 appellate judges and practitioners, the Summit will feature 20+ panel discussions on emerging trends, challenges, and legal issues affecting appellate practitioners and the judiciary. See below for a partial list of panelists and session topics, or visit our website for a complete list.
Please visit the AJEI 2022 Summit webpage for information about hotel accommodations, CLE/CJE credit hours, tours, and how to become a summit sponsor. Discounts for ABA Members. The Judicial Division of the ABA will be sending its members an additional promo code.
Summit Webpage
Confirmed panelists to date include:
Keynote Address by Hon. J. Michelle Childs (D.C. Cir.)
Dean Erwin Chemerinsky, U.C. Berkeley
Hon. Esther Salas (D.N.J.)
Hon. Robert Bachrach (10th Cir.)
Ret. Four Star Admiral Harry Harris (former US Ambassador to South Korea)
Deepak Gupta, Esq., Gupta Wessler
Prof. Stephen Vladeck, Charles Alan Wright Professor, U. Texas Law School
Prof. Robert Miller, Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law
Former Arizona Chief Justice Scott Bales
Hon. James Wynn (4th Cir.)
Prof. Nathaniel Persily, Stanford Law School
Ret. General John S. Cooke, Director, Federal Judicial Center
Hon. George C. (“Buck”) James, Supreme Court of South Carolina
Hon. Thomas R. Lee (Ret.), Assoc. Chief Justice, Utah Supreme Court
Hon. Mary Murguia (Chief Judge, 9th Cir.)
Former Arizona Chief Justice Ruth Magregor
Former Ambassador and U.S. Air Force Secretary Barbara McConnell Barrett
Hon. David Thomson, New Mexico Supreme Court
Allyson Ho, Esq., Gibson, Dunn
Michael Scodro, Esq. Mayer, Brown
Hon. Jacqueline Nguyen (9th Cir.)
Former ABA President Patricia Refo
Mark Lanterman, Computer Forensic Services (formerly with U.S. Secret Service Electronic Crimes Task Force)
Session topics include:
Supreme Court Preview – October 2022 Term
Qualified Immunity
Legislative Redistricting After Rucho v. Common Cause
Law and Linguistics
The Legacy of Justice Sandra Day O’Connor
A Comparison of Military & Civilian Justice Procedures
Perspectives on Stare Decisis
Threats to Judicial Security and the Dark Web
Legal Writing: Striving for Clarity
Public Confidence and the Courts
1984, Big Brother, & Facial Recognition
The Reign of Three Sovereigns: Jurisdictional Puzzles in Indian Country
Key U.S. Supreme Court Decisions of the October 2021 Term
Appellate Court Pro Bono Program
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Dissent & Concurrence
Em😊jis and the Law: The New Digital Language In a Courtroom Near You
Insights on Amicus Brief Writing
Bias, Discrimination, and Harassment: The Ethics Rules for Lawyers and Judges
Visit the 2022 AJEI Summit page for the latest information. We look forward to seeing you in the fall!