Today's DJ has 3rd District asks appellate lawyers to identify cases to be expedited
The Central California Appellate Program has called on its panel attorneys to help identify “new criminal cases that may benefit from being expedited through the appellate process.” ....
Colette M. Bruggman, the assistant clerk and executive officer for the 3rd District, emailed a statement Friday confirming it asked the program to email attorneys. It said, “In our screening of cases prior to assignment we attempt to identify appeals that should be expedited in light of the duration of sentences imposed and the likelihood of prevailing.” states the email. “That task can be complicated given the volume of cases and complexity of issues raised. We suggested to CCAP that their attorneys should make efforts to identify such cases and take appropriate steps to expedite the appeal by seeking calendar preference or taking other steps to facilitate an early decision. We applaud CCAP’s efforts in this regard.”
JAMS has Appellate Neutrals: An Invaluable Resource to Counsel by former Justices Aronson, Cooper and Ikola.
The Recorder has Wilson Sonsini Takes 5-Partner Litigation Team From Munger Tolles. The 'team' includes Fred Rowley, "who has argued more than 50 appeals."
The 2021 Institute for Corporate Counsel (by USC Law School and LACBA) on Dec. 1 will feature a conversation with Supreme Court Justice Martin Jenkins and a Supreme Court update by Dean Chemersinky and Ted Boutrous. Details here.
2022 California Courts Calendar is here.