Wednesday, November 3, 2021

CCAP flags delayed criminal appeals

Today's Recorder has Appellate Project Moves to Expedite Stalled Criminal Cases about how the Central California Appellate Program (the nonprofit that oversees appointed appellate attorneys in the Third and Fifth Districts) "will now identify new cases that need to be expedited through the appellate process, an apparent response to complaints of slow work by some Third District justices."

The Recorder has 9th Circuit Nominee Faces Heat From GOP Over Involvement in Criminal Justice Reform -- "Gabriel Sanchez served for former California Gov. Edmund Brown, where he oversaw the adoption of that state's Proposition 57."

The latest issue of ASCDC's Verdict magazine has H&L's Mark Kressel's When the Appeal Party is Over: Paying the Judgment, about planning ahead to pay off a judgment, getting a satisfaction, and canceling the appeal bond.