D.C. Circuit to return to in-person arguments: "In-Person Oral Arguments to Resume December 1, 2021. Subject to adjustment as conditions and the latest public health guidance may warrant, the court will resume holding in-person oral arguments on December 1, 2021. All oral arguments prior to that date will proceed remotely by video conference using Zoom for Government. An audio feed from oral arguments will be live-streamed to the public at no cost on the Court's YouTube channel, except when sealed material is being discussed. Protocols for in-person oral arguments are forthcoming and will be posted to the Court's website."
Also of note on The Marble Palace Blog: 'OYEZ! OYEZ!' Meet the New Marshal: "The Supreme Court has a new voice: Gail Curley, the court’s new marshal. She began her service June 21 but wasn’t seen in the courtroom until the First Monday in October. The position of marshal is best known for “crying the court,” a quaint phrase that means in plain language that she announces the court’s arrival on the bench when it is in session."Gail Curley, the new marshal, was an Army colonel and judge advocate general. It is not unusual for the court to recruit important officers of the court from the military.
Retired clerk of the court William Suter, himself a top JAG official, [said], “Military retirees are attractive to certain employers, the state and federal judiciaries in particular. SCOTUS thrives on tradition and discipline, just like the military. Military veterans have also lived a life of observing and providing good leadership.”
And the NYT has A Century-Long ‘Reign of Error’ for a Supreme Court Typo
And the WSJ has yet another article on Federal Judges or Their Brokers Traded Stocks of Litigants During Cases