Thursday, August 19, 2021

Justice Chin program

 LACBA's Appellate Court Section is presenting A Conversation with Retired California Supreme Court Justice Ming W. Chin on Sept. 30 at noon (1 hour of appellate specialization credit). Register here.

Judge VanDyke's latest dissental is attracting a lot of attention. See here, and Law360's 9th Circ. Judge Slams Colleagues Amid En Banc Denial (noting the "heated dissent" "slammed his fellow Ninth Circuit jurists for going off on a 'bizarre and gratuitous frolic.'"), and the DJ's 9th Circuit judge accuses colleagues of going on a "bizarre and gratuitous frolic."

In the Eisenberg v. 3d DCA writ (S269691), Petitioner Eisenberg has filed his reply, the CAAL weighs in, and the DJ has Brief says appellate attorneys fear objecting to delays.