The DJ reports Former State Supreme Court Justice Ming Chin Joining ADR Services -- "Chin said he expects to handle some cases on construction and employment law, and would welcome cases that deal with scientific evidence."
And the DJ has Judicial Council, 3rd District hire top legal talent in suit over delays (re Jones Day and Reed Smith, respectively).
Tuesday's DJ had the monthly Exceptionally Appealing column titled Butting in on Appeal about intervention on appeal.
The Federal Judicial Conference Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure is accepting input on proposed changes to FRAP 2 and 4 until February 16, 2022.
Also: All LASC Employees will be required to get vaccinated under new mandatory policy.
CLA's Litigation Section is presenting a Free Webinar featuring its Judicial Advisors, which includes PJ Humes and Justice Duarte, on August 26 at 6 p.m. Register here.
This week Marquette University Law School released its SCOTUS survey, as reported in many places. E.g., Law360's Americans' Approval of Supreme Court Declines, Says Poll.