Signing Bonuses for Supreme Court Clerks Are Set for Another Jump -- Law firms’ lucrative signing bonuses for U.S. Supreme Court clerks may rise again this year, with some anticipating a jump to $450,000.
The Recorder also has COVID-19: How California Courts Are Preparing for Post-Pandemic Operations, which includes an interactive chart listing the status at various courts. In addition to noting "in-person proceedings in August in certain divisions" of the 4th District, the chart also notes that for the 5th District: in-person oral arguments scheduled to resume this fall.
Beginning July 15, 2021, the Clerk’s Office in Los Angeles for the Second District Court of Appeal will open to the public by appointment only. Click the link to Schedule an Appointment on the Online Booking Portal.
July 2021 issue of Litigation Update is now online, keeping you up to date on current case law.
The 37th Labor and Employment Law
Section Annual Meeting Thursday, July 15 @
8:00 am – Friday, July 16 @ 5:00 pm. The CLA Labor and Employment Executive Committee is excited to present this
year’s virtual Annual Meeting. Programs include topics on artificial
intelligence and the workforce, emerging wage and hour trends arising from
tele-working, and a judges’ panel with Justice Joshua P. Groban of the
California Supreme Court and Judge Kenneth K. Lee of the U.S. Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, moderated by retired Judge Margaret M. Morrow
of the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California.