Two entries today from the 9th Circuit in published cases vying for the cutest opening to an opening:
Our First entry is from this opinion:
For over a decade, Bradford Lund — the grandson of Walt Disney — has languished in perhaps the Unhappiest Place on Earth: probate court. Embroiled in a long-running dispute with family members and trustees, Lund has yet to claim a fortune estimated to be worth $200 million.
And our second entry is this sweet one from this opinion:
The parties find themselves in a sticky situation. Trader Joe’s Company (“Trader Joe’s”) markets its store brand Manuka honey as “100% New Zealand Manuka Honey” or “New Zealand Manuka Honey,” but Plaintiffs, on behalf of a putative class, claim that because Trader Joe’s Manuka Honey actually consists of only between 57.3% and 62.6% honey derived from Manuka flower nectar, Trader Joe’s engaged in “false, misleading, and deceptive marketing” of its Manuka honey. Stung by these accusations, Trader Joe’s counters ....