Monday, June 7, 2021

Appellate roundup

Today's DJ has three of its usual appellate columns:

  • Under Submission has PJ Gilbert's column Revelations III, where he expresses his distaste for the abbreviation "SCOTUS," but then proceeds to "reluctantly use the detestable abbreviation to avoid repeating the Supreme Court of the United States," which is a mouthful.
  • Moskovitz on Appeal, titled Tenacity, sharing some war stories about Don Jelinek.
  • Appellate Zealots has Charles Kagay's If Your 998 Offer Goes Wrong in Trial Court, All Might Not Be Lost

Law360 has When Your 9th Circ. Case Needs California High Court Input, by Buchalter's M.C. Sungaila, Joshua Ostrer and Lauren Jacobs.

Also of interest on Hugo Black's Law Clerks Fought to Protect His 'Little Piece of Eden' -- Their goal was to protect Black’s home from renovation plans submitted by the current owner and approved by Alexandria’s City Council.