Thursday, December 31, 2020

Klein obit; Thomas reflects

Today's DJ has an obit for Justice Joan Demsey Klein: Appellate justice was a champion of equality in the legal profession

Today's DJ also has 9th Circuit chief reflects on accomplishments as exit looms -- He drove. The 2,000-mile road trip gave Thomas a chance to reflect on the challenges he's met six years into his seven-year term as chief.

  • we've attacked our case backlog using data analytics and reduced our pending appellate case processing time by almost 30%," even though new case filings are up, Thomas said in an interview. "And we've saved taxpayers more than $11 million in rent per year through a space reduction initiative."
  • Both Thomas and his successor, Circuit Judge Mary H. Murguia, were appointed by Democratic presidents, and the active bench still tilts leftward 16-13. But with the swearing in of Circuit Judge Lawrence J.C. VanDyke on Jan. 2, 2020, Trump had placed 10 judges on the court. Thomas pointed out that it's hardly a record. "President Carter added 15 to the court and President Reagan added 10," he said.