This program will be three-pronged. First, it will offer up-to-date nuts-and-bolts guidance on practicing in the Appellate Division of the Superior Court. Second, it will survey appellate issues that arise in appeals from summary unlawful detainer proceedings under Code of Procedure section1161 and following. This part of the program will focus in particular on issues likely to arise in the “eviction tsunami” that is anticipated when the federal, statewide and local COVID-related eviction moratoria expire. Finally, it will outline opportunities available to appellate attorneys to serve the community through pro bono services to vulnerable households impacted by COVID-related evictions. (CLE = 1.5 hours of appellate specialization credit including .5 ethics)
Panelists: Hon. Alex Ricciardulli, Los Angeles Superior Court, Eric Poster, Esq., BASTA, Frances Campbell, Esq., Campbell & Farahani, LLP, Tyna Orren, Esq., Orren & Orren
Also -- Tomorrow at noon, LACBA's Barrister is having a virtual brown-bag event with 9th Cir. Judge Paez. Details here.
And in LACBA's magazine, LA Lawyer, see the article by H&L's Mitch Tilner and Anna Goodman, "One Shot" Appeals (pp. 22-27).