Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Judge McKeown on Justice Douglas

  Judge M. Margaret McKeown presents a joint program with NJCHS and NDHS 

CITIZEN JUSTICE: The Environmental Legacy of
William O. Douglas

In a manner unthinkable today, Justice William O. Douglas was a public advocate for the environment. Join us as Ninth Circuit Judge M. Margaret McKeown explores the politics and ethics of advocacy by a Supreme Court Justice. Judge McKeown’s book on Justice Douglas’s environmental legacy will be published in 2021.

Judge McKeown was appointed to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in 1998, before which she was the first woman partner at Perkins Coie. Additionally, Judge McKeown has lectured and taught extensively on constitutional law, international law, human rights law, intellectual property, litigation, ethics and judicial administration.

The program will take place via Zoom on October 28, 2020, 5 pm-6pm. Admission is free of charge. Advance registration is required. Please register on the Ninth Judicial Circuit Historical Society website: https://www.njchs.org/speaker-event-joint-program-by-ndhs-and-njchs/ 

MCLE: 1 Hour of California CLE