Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Appellate news, near and far

The DJ has posted a video called COVID-19 and the Courthouse, featuring PJ Manella.
Read about Justice Moore swearing in new lawyers by video here.
Justice Eileen Moore shared how difficult the legal landscape was in 1978 as a female attorney (she was routinely asked where the attorney was in court when she would appear on behalf of her clients, and she once had someone ask why two court reporters were at a deposition when she showed up, as examples), and how she imagines the legal landscape of 2020 will be similarly challenging for different reasons. 

Law360 has 7th Circ. Sanctions Amazon Seller Over Doomed AppealThe court said Friday that vendor Ellishbooks pushed frivolous arguments on appeal, submitted filings late and that when its brief was eventually sent in, it fell short of the court's standards and once corrected, included just five pages of arguments. 

Law360 also has Behind The Scenes: How The Fed. Circ. Is Running Remotely an interview with Clerk and Circuit Executive Peter Marksteiner and Chief Deputy Clerk Jarrett Perlow.

The DJ also reports on the selection of officers for the California Academy of Appellate Lawyers:

Kirk C. Jenkins as president
Raymond A. Cardozo as first vice president
Michael G. Colantuono as second vice president
Laurie J. Hepler as secretary and treasurer