Instructions for Telephonic Oral Argument
for Public and Press — Listen-Only
Following are instructions to join a conference call with the California Court
of Appeal, Third Appellate District, for purposes of telephonic oral
argument. The public and members of the press can listen but will not be
able to speak during oral argument.
REMINDER: The court requests that if you would like to listen to the oral argument, join
the conference call no later than 9:25 a.m. for the morning session, and no later than
1:55 p.m. for the afternoon session. When a caller joins, the conference line makes a
beeping sound, which can be disruptive to the proceedings. If for any reason you get
disconnected, immediately call the phone number and use the participant code listed
below and you will be reconnected.
If you experience any technical issues during the call (i.e. static on the line, hold music
plays during call), press *0 and a CenturyLink technical support specialist will help
you. For further assistance, please contact CenturyLink Technical support at 1-800-485-
0844 or 1-719-885-1577. Make sure you have your Toll-Free Number and passcode on
hand when you call.
1. Dial 1-877-820-7831. If the line is busy, dial 1-720-279-0026.
2. Enter the participant code: 4809807#.
3. Hang up when the oral argument is completed.