Friday, May 1, 2020

ABA on remote oral arguments

The ABA presents a webinar on Monday: Appellate Advocacy in the Age of COVID-19

Learn best practices for moving your argument to a video platform. Hear from a court clerk on making video arguments actually work technically, a judge and a justice on how best to conduct the arguments, and practitioners on best ways to advocate in these circumstances.
With many states adopting stay-at-home orders or recommendations, more and more appellate courts are moving to online arguments through various video platforms. Hear from our expert panel on best practices for such arguments. Jim Hivner, Clerk of the Appellate Courts in Tennessee, will discuss the technical logistics of setting up such arguments. Judge Albert Diaz, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit and Justice Eva Guzman, Texas Supreme Court, will discuss how the bench can best adapt to this kind of argument. Finally, our practitioners Andrew Simpson and Jeffrey Garish, will guide you on the ways to best present your case under these circumstances.