Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Two spaces is too many!

No less an authority than Microsoft Word has seen the light. CNN reports:
It's wrong to use two spaces between sentences, Microsoft Word says
Microsoft has made its typographical decree: Two spaces between sentences is too many.
  • The style choice will now be marked as an error in Microsoft Word -- and users who press the space bar twice after a period will be met with those dreaded blue squiggly lines.
  • The habit of using two spaces is a relic from the era of typewriters, when typists spaced twice to more clearly define the end of a sentence. Characters were "monospaced" back then, which means they took up the same amount of space on the page -- today, most fonts adjust the width of characters so sentences are easier to read.
    • Very few style guides advise using two spaces after a period. The APA, Chicago Manual of Style, AP and US Government Printing Office Style Manual all recommend a single space between sentences. The contemporary benefits of using it are few, aside from taking up more space on a page.