Thursday, April 23, 2020

Opening in Justice Wiley's chambers

August 2020 judicial clerkship opening
      I need help deciding appeals and crafting appellate opinions.  I have an opening for one judicial attorney, to start August 24, 2020 or thereabouts.
     Our goals here at the California Court of Appeal are to achieve the ideal of equal justice under law and to inspire the public with the excellence of California’s appellate justice system. The work is fulfilling, important, diverse, and fascinating: we encounter just about every imaginable human conflict, in practically every legal setting.  Every case is a new story. You would work with me directly, as well as with a small, supportive, friendly, fun, talented, and non-hierarchical group of colleagues.
     We used to work together in downtown Los Angeles. Nowadays we are all working from home in one of the most quarantine-tolerant jobs ever. Internally, we have a lot of video chats, phone calls, texts, and email conversations. Externally, oral arguments are strictly remote. Who knows when all that will end?
     You must have excellent academic and professional credentials. Actual or pending membership in the California bar is required. We are writers:  you have got to love to write. Judgment is vital. Terrific research skills are important. And you must enjoy puzzling through the law to figure it out, because every new case brings fresh challenges.
     I am open to lawyers who would like to clerk for a set term, preferably two years, as well as to those considering a judicial attorney career. It is fine if you are entertaining both possibilities and have not decided. 
     The more professional experience you have, the better.
     Please send a cover letter, resume, references, law school grades, and writing sample to And please spread the word, if you know someone who might be interested.

John Shepard Wiley Jr.
California Court of Appeal
Second District, Division Eight