Tuesday, March 10, 2020

DCA invites teleconferenced arguments

This was posted on the court's website yesterday:

The Court of Appeal, First Appellate District, reminds parties and counsel that if they have concerns about health issues, but are still able to argue their case, they may notify the court at 415-865-7300 to arrange for oral argument via teleconference.

The 5th DCA has this:

For those who may be concerned about traveling at this time, we encourage you to consider appearing telephonically for oral argument. More information can be found at CourtCall.comExternal link icon.

And the 6th DCA has this:
Oral Argument – If parties or counsel have concerns about health issues, but are still able to argue the case, please notify the court at 408-277-1004 to arrange for oral argument via teleconference.