Last Friday's DJ profile was The Go-To Guy: Judge Glenn Salter, a former appeal court researcher, is a resource for other judges. OCSC Judge Salter was appointed in 2010, but before that he worked at 4/3: principal attorney 1999-2010; for Justice Sills 1993-99; for Justice Scoville, 1988-90; and as an OCSC research attorney 1980-87. This blog welcomed him when he took the bench here!
"Salter’s appellate background shines through when he takes particular interest in establishing and protecting trial records."
"Retired 4th District Court of Appeal Justice Edward J. Wallin said Salter impressed him when he was a superior court judge and Salter a research attorney. “He was brilliant at going into a complex file and drawing out the nuggets of information that I needed to see,” Wallin said. Years later at the appellate court, “I always had great confidence in his judgment when we’d talk about cases,” said Wallin"