Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Chief takes the stinkers

Today's DJ has Chief Justice Says She Sometimes Takes One For The Team, reporting on the Chief's visit to her high school to what with students.

  • "My job is not to be popular,
    it's not to be liked"
    She characterized the state high court as "seven different law firms," each with its own staff, that tries to look at each case independently.
  • Part of her role as chief, she added, is sometimes taking one for the team: for instance, when the court has to write on a boring or unpleasant case, or one that could lead to public criticism. 
  • "When I think cases are potentially stinkers, I sometimes assign them to myself because I feel like I'm out there more than my colleagues," she said. "I'm in the Capitol, and if there is going to be heat on a stinker, I should take it because I'm the chief."
  • McClatchy High School has been an incubator for some of the most famous names in California's legal community. Besides former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, California's first Latino Attorney General, Xavier Becerra, attended McClatchy at the same time as Cantil-Sakauye. Another alum who recently spoke at the school is U.S. Eastern District Judge Morrison C. England Jr.
[11/21/19 update: A "stinker"?]

Today's DJ also has San Francisco judge blazes trails, again, with selection for court of appeal
"I am committed to building a state government that better reflects the great diversity of California and am proud to make this historic nomination," Newsom said

On the federal side see's With Lagoa Confirmed to 11th Circuit, Trump Flips a Third Appeals Court to GOP Majority -- The Second, Third and Eleventh Circuits have all transitioned to a majority of Republican-appointed judges under Trump.