Judge McKeown urged her colleagues to remember that the "rule of law is more than just a catchy feel good phrase, it is the foundation of our democracy" and that it must be defended.
Second, Judges Say 'We've Had It' With Attacks on the Judiciary: "The time has come for judges to "take more aggressive action" to fight back against attacks on the judiciary made by President Trump and other politicians, Washington Supreme Court Justice Debra Stephens said Friday, speaking on a six-judge panel on the topic." (Chief Justice Cantil-Sakauye was on the panel.)
As for the continuing CJP hearing, see Law360's Calif. Appellate Judge Demeaned Fellow Judges, Panel Hears and in today's DJ: Presiding Justice Criticizes Johnson's Work Performance.
And shocking news from the Wall Street Journal: Being a Law Firm Partner Was Once a Job for Life. That Culture Is All but Dead. At the modern law firm, not all partners are created equal, and data and billings rule