What do lawyers really do? The Bar wants to know
Active attorneys:
California Attorney Practice Analysis (CAPA) needs your input
The State Bar is preparing to
launch a groundbreaking survey of all active attorneys in California, the
California Attorney Practice Analysis (CAPA). If you are an active attorney,
you will receive an email invitation on August 1 with a unique link enabling
you to participate. The CAPA survey will collect detailed data on what
California attorneys know and do. Results will inform a reexamination of the
California Bar Exam, to ensure that the test remains relevant to those joining
the profession in the 21st Century. Here's
a fact sheet about the project. Participants who complete the survey are
eligible for an hour of free MCLE credit—details about receiving the credit and
other aspects of the survey can be found on this
FAQ. You are also invited to view and share social media posts on this
topic under the hashtag #LawPractice2020. Questions? E-mail: AttorneyPracticeStudy@calbar.ca.gov.